All enrolment applications are treated confidentially and will be given due consideration by both the Principal and Governing Authority. Those wishing to enrol a child/children are required to make an appointment with the Principal as part of the application procedure.
Once an application has been given consideration, the parents shall be notified by the Principal of the decision regarding their application for enrolment. All applications shall be examined in light of the School's Enrolment Policy and Diocesan Guidelines for enrolment.
General Information
As a Catholic school, St Mary’s School has a particular responsibility to provide access to children Baptised in the Catholic faith. St Mary’s School is open to all who are willing to commit to support the philosophy, values and aims of Catholic schooling. While there is an invitation to all, the practicalities of being able to accommodate enrolments beyond current physical facilities may be limited by available resources. Students other than Catholics will be considered for enrolment provided this does not result in the exclusion of Catholic students (see enrolment criteria).
St Mary’s School actively seeks to engage families and carers as partners in their child’s education process and the life of the school in an atmosphere of co-responsibility and co-accountability. All parents will be required to give an understanding that they will respect the life, nature and identity of the school. All students will be expected to participate fully in all aspects of school life including participation in the religious activities of the school.
St Mary’s is an inclusive and therefore welcoming school that accepts and supports those most in need. St Mary’s School will provide Catholic Education that is in accordance with Diocesan, state and commonwealth educational policies and standards.
Enrolment Procedure
Application forms are distributed in Term 3 for the following year.
Application forms are available from the school.
Transfers from Other Schools
In addition to the above, parents enrolling children who have attended other schools are to present a transfer note and report from the previous school.
Transfers To Other Schools (Except children going to secondary school)
Parents intending to withdraw their child/children from the school are asked to notify the Principal at least a week before, so that transfers and reports can be completed.
Transfers to Secondary Schools
Parents are advised to make their decision re the choice of placement of their children as early as possible in the child's Grade 6 year, as schools call for applications at varying times during the year. Parents are responsible for the enrolment of their children. State School applications are made through the Ministry of Education approximately in July.
Attendance rolls are marked twice a day. Any child who is away must have a reasonable excuse. Parents are expected to write and inform the teacher of the reason for their child's absence from school. Notes are retained as record with attendance rolls. This can also be completed through the PAM portal. Parents/Guardians must notify the school by 9:30am on the day.
Conveyance Allowance
Any child between the ages of 4 years, 6 months and 15 years, who travel 4.8 kms from their home to the bus stop, is entitled to an allowance from the Government. Application forms are available at the school. Money is paid directly to school, who then forwards the money to the families where applicable.
Family Fee Assistance Scheme
All families who receive Education Maintenance Allowance are entitled to Family Fee Assistance Scheme. Families who qualify for the scheme will pay $520 per annum ($10 per week) for primary school tuition fees. The discounted fee covers tuition and capital fees only.
New School Uniforms
The students of St Mary’s Primary School, represent the school and our community, and their appearance should demonstrate respect for, and reflect well on our school values.
St Mary’s has established an agreement with Clarke’s – Swan Hill to supply our school uniforms.
School Fees
The St Mary’s the fees include: a School Fee of $770 per family, Capital Fee of $130, a Curriculum Fee of $200 and an excursion levy of $70.00.
School Fees are charged per family, per year. Accounts are sent out at the beginning of the term. (Four times a year). Fees may be paid yearly, each term, fortnightly, weekly or by direct debit.
The Curriculum Fee is a one off payment, which is due at the beginning of each year. With the exception of school camps expenses, it is our intention that the Curriculum Fee covers all the expenses associated with your child's classroom programme.
- all classroom materials your child will use during the course of the year
- art supplies & sports equipment
- School performances (shows) Vic Arts.
- computer software and associated licences
- most school camps
- bus trips
- sporting events
Excursion levy has been set to ensure that all school excursions for the year will be covered. There maybe extra money required for school camps.